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FFL: Poker For Picks Draft Blog

The Poker For Picks Fantasy Football League just completed it's inaugural draft. The ESPN Draft Room was very well done and ran smoothly. Here's how things went down:

6:58 - Gang Green has entered the draft.
7:03 - Yours truly gets off to a pathetic trash-talking start by dragging Jerry's poor kids into the Live Chat.
7:10 - Mr. Texas Hold'em himself enters the draft room... Flood Gates, you're on the clock!
7:15 - Josh busts on Eagles fans for the first time.
7:31 - Mr. Sparkle reports Puff the Magic WR goes 3rd, thought to be a little high.
7:39 - Cowboy fans should not be allowed to take ol' #5!
7:43 - Black and Gold finally enters the draft to see 3 QBs on its roster. Nothing else.
7:47 - I just took Michael Clayton without knowing his relation to current Ravens WR Mark Clayton or former Dolphins WR Mark Clayton... so much for background checks.
7:55 - Late 5th and early 6th round value picks Bennett, Barlow, Arrington... which will hit a homerun?
7:58 - Do I take the NFL's most overrated Q (Favre) or FFL's most overrated Q (Vick)? Hopefully Vick transforms himself into a fantasy stud... New Mexico?
8:13 - Finally grabbed a TE. Heath Miller is Green!
8:19 - With the 100th pick in the draft, Helmet Head's select Cedric Benson
8:27 - Flood just took Reggie Williams and I thought "good pick." Draft must be winding down. (Actually I do like Williams, he's a monster.)
8:36 - Bills Defense is drafted. Projected to be a top 5 D, they're selected in Round 13.
8:42 - I just took the TE I was going to take in round 9 in round 14. I like when stuff like that happens.
8:49 - Marshall Faulk is the 151st pick in the draft... my how the mighty have fallen. Could be a solid flex pick if he plays a lot of receiver.
8:56 - Ricky Williams is the 164th pick in the draft... my how the mighty have fallen.
9:03 - I think I'm experiencing my first bug... with only 1 more pick to make.

10 teams, 18 rounds, only 1.5 hours of actual draft time logged. Efficient.

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What? No credit for the "Puff the Magic WR" blast?

Also, looks like you're getting some comment spammers. Durst.
So who did the Floodgates select #1? There was speculation he might take Willis McGahee?!? Did he infact go with LT?
Tomlinson was the top choice by the Gates. Whu'choo talkin' about Willis went 6th overall.

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