Blah Blah Blog


New Music Tuesday Is Back!

For the first time in months, a New Music Tuesday offered the goods to fill my iTunes Music Cart.

For those that are iPod/iTunes newbies, New Music Tuesday (bka NMT) has been Apple's day of unveiling music's newest arrivals and their latest acquisitions. Quite a buzz was stirred in the early going since Apple was in the process of adding tracks to their ever-expanding catalog, each NMT offered dozens of songs that had not been available up to that point. Lately, since Apple has caught up with much of what is out there, NMT's have been busts, featuring the same tracks week after week.

So what's caught my interest? Well, laugh if you must, but Rick Moranis' Agoraphobic Cowboy CD was on my shortlist and is actually featured on the first slide of New Releases. Also, the new hardest working man in show business, Brian McKnight is back with another single, "Find Myself In You". It's been what - months? - since McKnight dropped something new. He was overdue. And to top it off, a Free Single of the Week by an artist I actually heard of.

And Todd-tastic's main man Matisyahu's live album is in the top 10... NMT delivers!

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