I'll Vouch For That
- On the tube, I've got to vouch for Lil' Bush. I think the voices clinched it for me (see Behind-the-Scenes clip).
- In my car, I'll vouch for the iCarPlay FM transmitter. When tuned to 106.3, I can scoot from Hanover to The Institute with clean SnyPod sound.
- In the kitchen, I'll vouch for Joe Corbi's Southwest Queso Kit. Many preparation options are highlighted, but this meal's best designed by MJ; first implementing the Queso Pizza solution, then adding her own flair, and finally rolling the whole thing up into a wrap.
- Web-wise, I'll vouch for SwitchPlanet. The concept is air-tight, but the interface and usability could be improved. Bonus points for the use of made up currency.
- In the playroom, Mallory will vouch for a wet washcloth, a wicker basket, a set of coasters and a 1/2 TSP measuring spoon. What is it about toys that kids just don't like?
- I hope to one day vouch for... setting my vinyl free. A tip of the hat to Old Man Kirby for passing along a link to the Ion USB Turntable.
Labels: MJ wants to be on my blog more, vouchers
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