Word Up!
Here's the challenge: What is the longest word you can come up with using only one magnetic alphabet? Can Mallory's eleven-letter word be topped?
How about this twelve-letter puzzle from last night's Wheel of Fortune: whippoorwill? Webster hyphenates it, but Sajak's wordsmithery is king in my book.
How about this twelve-letter puzzle from last night's Wheel of Fortune: whippoorwill? Webster hyphenates it, but Sajak's wordsmithery is king in my book.
Labels: Googlecise, Mallory, photos, tv
My word is uncopyrightable. And how ever did Mallory get those letters so high on the fridg, she must have mad ups!
Very astute observation Flood.
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To the other commenters, the "trivia" label formerly affixed to this post has been updated.
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